Wednesday Rick ultrasounded Russell to see how he is healing. He showed me the normal right tuber coxae images he took right after Russell's injury, and then showed me how his left looks now. The fracture is easy to see even for me, but also visible is some calcification in the void. It
is healing. Of course, I assumed as much by how comfortable Russell is acting. When I take him out to hand-graze him I am really hand-walking him, because I criss-cross the pasture looking for and pulling up thistles. He moves freely and comfortably, and seems none the worse later for the activity.
Rick continues to think it likely that Russell will be able to be someone's trail horse when all is said and done. Whose, I don't know. My head says, "Not mine. I can't use 'just a trail horse,' because I can't go on trail rides. With Brian here and not wanting to ride, I am restricted to our home arena. That's perfect for schooling, but boring if you can't do more than walk and jog around and around." But my heart hears Higgins' voice, and I can't deny how much I like this horse.
This horse. "I've grown accustomed to his face...."
I am happy to hear that Russell is healing, although you have a sad decision to make by the sounds of it. Maybe you could find him a home close to you that you could visit?
This morning I went to the barn to take my OTTB about 50' to the round pen for "patio dining"--breakfast and lunch.
He has not been out of the barn for four days, and it's a little breezy already. He was doing his "dance of joy," finding his "inner helicopter," and I spoke very sternly to him. Swatted at him with the end of the lead. Missed (as usual). He tried to bolt away but stopped the instant he realized we were "still connected." And then, when he was free, he had a choice of running and eating from the big tub that already contained his hay. Unable to decide, he did both.
It is a joy to see our horses every day, whether they are recovering from injury or illness OR are just "living life" and acting like "maroons" ;o)
We are all "accustomed."
I like Shula's suggestion. I bet someone you know would love to ride Russell down the trail. Think on it. Meanwhile, sending continued healing vibes your way.
I'm glad Russell is healing. I wish you were feeling better about his future with you.
Riding and jogging around an arena sounds good to me but I know you are capable of so much more.
We are still learing groundwork and confidence and aren't riding our own horses yet at all, so walking in circles on MY horse is what I'm looking forward to. Getting closer everyday thanks to our 3 hrs a week with the trainer.
Wishing you contentment in your current horse circumstances.
That is so true! Mine oldest would ride more if she wasn't so allergic...what sort of cosmic joke that is I don't know. What are the odds? ~ your guarded blog pal :)
Thanks for all your comments, friends. I can tell you understand. As for finding him a home, I will make efforts in that direction once we feel confident in his healing and soundness. The Morgan's owner may still be interested in a trade even then, and I have one other person in mind. But it's too early to do anything yet.
I have a "guarded blog pal"? How mysterious!
Just me with the fluke gully that doesn't mention her family on her blog....K from NY.
Then I guessed correctly, Anonymous! ;-)
I love how much you care for this animal. And I'm so glad to hear that he's healing. xo
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