Russell is cleared for 15 minutes of walking a day, but no work. So the easiest way to give him his daily constitutional is to put a halter on him, throw a saddle blanket over his back (cuts down on laundry), and walk around the arena. I don't even tie the lead rope into a loop; there's no need with this upstanding citizen.

His reward? Some green grass!
I went for a ride today like that but didn't really mean to. I was just sitting on my horse with a halter and tried to flex her. Hmmm...she thought I said go in a circle. For this newbie, that exciting.
I visited the ponies this weekend - I'll blog about it this week. I really wanted to ride Kiri, but didn't bring my saddle or anything, and none of Correy's really fit me. Next time...
Glad to see that Russell is doing so well. It's encouraging!
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