To ride dressage is to dance with your horse, equal partners in the delicate and sometimes difficult work of creating harmony and beauty.

Friday, November 6, 2020

Blog fodder overload!

"Make hay while the sun shines," they say. Well, I've been busy getting in as much training time as I can while the sun shines – or at least while it's not consistently raining. And the rain held off enough that I was able to take Stella on BOTH outings I mentioned at the end of my last post; hurray! The trip to Perrydale Trails on Tuesday was absolute perfection . . . once I got Stella in the trailer. For some reason, she would only step in with her front feet, and then back out. Since training, not force or fear, is the goal, I just put time out of my mind and kept working with her quietly. When she finally decided to load, she walked right up to the front and turned around, ready to have me move the divider over and close the door. Once that was accomplished, I looked at the time. It was half an hour after the agreed-upon time; I would be a full hour late if I went. I called Lisa, prepared to miss out, but she said to come; they'd still be there.

It was glorious – the weather, the autumn colors and scenery, being with good people and horses, and Stella's handling of so many strange new things to encounter and challenges to face. The whole experience is a shimmering jewel of a memory; I think it will be for a long, long time! Lisa was there with Prince in-hand, and a friend of hers who is learning to ride was there on Dino. A second friend of Lisa's walked along and took photos, an unexpected BIG bonus. So I have a few photos I took, a few photos the owner of Perrydale Trails always takes when people visit, and a slew of photos from Wendell. So without further commentary, I'll 'unload' them on you. I hope you enjoy them!


Mama Pea said...

Omigosh, what a treasure trove of photos to have! Stella is beautiful (and you are, too!) and what a great environment to be out in. There are a couple of the pictures of the two of you that could/should be framed.

Michelle said...

The really scenic ones are not of a high-enough resolution to hold their quality at a larger size, Mama Pea. Don't know if the photographers could or would be able to provide higher-res copies. But that's okay; not sure I could handle looking at myself on the wall! ;-)

marlane said...

Fabulous, what an amazing experience for the two of you. I especially like the photos when Stella has her head up in a true Morgan pose. From my experience with photos (I am a graphic artist of sorts) and low resolution. Unless the original was high resolution you can not change the size of the pixels to make a good looking enlargement.

Michelle said...

Marlane, I've emailed Perrydale Trails' owner to see if she has high-quality originals. Otherwise, I will just enjoy looking at them on my blog.

Cappy said...

That picture of her with the "cow" cut out on the right side - WOW!!!!

What a cool place to train!

Retired Knitter said...

First off, let me say AGAIN what a beauty she is!!! Almost majestic is some of the shots. I loves seeing her walk in and around and through all those things that are designed to give her confidence!! In some ways what you are doing is similar to what my son had to do with an adult dog they adopted. They put a lot of time into dog training - not so she would do tricks or take commands, but just so she would gain confidence. In the end they have a wonderful pet - much loved and love returned between animal and owner.

A :-) said...

The two photos of both of you with the red tree are just wonderful!! She's making so much progress with her training; I know you must be thrilled with her progress :-)

Michelle said...

Cappy, she really looks the stereotypical Morgan there, doesn't she? There was a group of riders off in the distance that she had just spied.

Elaine, sometimes she is really a "poser"! She really rose to all the challenges at Perrydale Trails; I was so, so pleased with her.

Yes, I am, A. 😊

Kim said...

Oh my word what wonderful photos! I think my favorite is the nose sniff with the much the Arab blood in Morgan’s jumps out there! It must have been a great experience...she doesn’t look easy to fluster.

Michelle said...

I'm glad you enjoyed them, Kim! Yes, Stella looks a touch 'Araby,' not like the Morgans I remember from my youth which I thought looked rather coarse and clunky. She really did handle everything there with aplomb, but I've found that LOTS of things fluster her when they are on or around her.