A week from tomorrow I will be getting up early to join a friend at DevonWood to audit a Debbie McDonald clinic. Rick asked me if I was going before I even mentioned that I would like to get away for it (I had a postcard for the clinic on the table); how cool is that? Two years ago we got to see Debbie ride Brentina and her young horse (below; yes, he's short in the neck - he was quite tense that day) at nearby DevonWood; what a thrill! I still get choked up when I watch the crummy YouTube video of her exhibition freestyle on Brentina; what a connection those two had. We got to meet Debbie, too, and she is truly a nice person - and as tiny as Brentina is huge! I know that I will come away from her clinic with new inspiration for my dance sessions with Russell, and that, my friends, is always a good thing.

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