Rick stripped and rebedded the sheep fold and all the horse stalls today (yes, it is totally appropriate to applaud right now!). When he was ready to do Russell's stall, he suggested I hand-walk him and let him eat some grass. After a bit Rick called out that Russell's stall was ready, so we headed back to the barn. But Rick met us on the driveway and said he wanted to look at Russell. I was mystified when he tied the end of Russell's lead rope to his halter ring - then he offered to give me a leg up! He said I could sit on him and let him eat some more grass, and even walk him around in the arena 5-10 minutes. I don't have to tell you how wonderful it was to be astride, even for just a few minutes. The view is just better from the back of a horse!

Oh!! That is wonderful! Even if it was just a short little ride I know EXCATLY how you felt. Give them both a hug! (horse and husband)
Oh, yeah!!!
Oh yeah, for everyone! Here's hoping Russell 3rd treatment will lead the way to a wonderful sound diagnosis. And there is nothing like the world viewed from a horses back!
Oh that's such a lovely moment. I hope he's all better soon x
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