To ride dressage is to dance with your horse, equal partners in the delicate and sometimes difficult work of creating harmony and beauty.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

We interrupt this ride for . . .

If you look closely, you can see standing water in the tracks of the 20-meter circle Larry and I were riding when this started....


Mary Ann said...

Send it our way, Michelle! We need it desperately!

Theresa said...

Well, we have 2 inches of snow and it's still falling! What a welcome home. I'm ready to head back to MA if this is what OR is going to be like this spring. Seriously though, we'll take the water however we get it, the later in the season the better. Snow, rain and mud is ALWAYS better than fire. Larry looks adorable peeking into the tack room. I have two of those that would strut right in to see what's going on. I hope it all works out for you and Larry, he sure has turned into a fine ride hasn't he. But your permanent partner is out there somewhere, just waiting for his or her time, just like you!

Michelle said...

That WOULD be a rude homecoming! Glad you're back, though; bet your man and puppies missed you. :-)

Yes, Larry has been a lot of fun and very gratifying; I'll hate to see him leave.

Michelle said...

I'd share if I could, Mary Ann!